Nestled in the enchanting Tuscan countryside, this estate dominates the gentle hills with its vineyards, ancient oak forests, and olive groves. Located in Montespertoli, just 20 km from Florence, this historic village extends over 300 hectares of vineyards, olive groves, and woods.
The real estate complex consists of two farms, the main properties of which (among the many that compose them) are:
The property also features a tennis court, bocce court, and ping pong table. Expertly cultivated vineyards spanning 70 hectares produce Sangiovese, Canaiolo, Merlot, Syrah, Colorino, Trebbiano Toscano, and Malvasia grapes, from which refined wines are produced.
From the olive trees—Frantoiano, Moraiolo, Maremmano, Pendolino—comes one of the most fragrant and full-bodied Italian olive oils.